Highlighted Publication
Beatty J, Laughlin RE (2006) Genomic regulation of natural variation in cortical and noncortical brain volume. BMC Neuroscience 7:16 [This mapping study made use of both the Mouse Brain Libray online collection of sections of BXD brains and GeneNetwork/WebQTL.]
The first section below lists key technical papers that are appropriate references to use in citing GeneNetwork and WebQTL. The second section lists background papers on genetic reference populations, in particular, sets of recombinant inbred strains. The third section is divided by year, and lists publications and other resources that have made use of the GeneNetwork.
Please be sure to send us citation information on papers and other resources that we may have missed.
Key References
Wang J, Williams RW, Manly KF (2003) WebQTL: Web-based complex trait analysis. Neuroinformatics 1: 299-308. Full Text PDF Version. [A good technical reference to WebQTL and GeneNetwork]
Chesler EJ, Wang J, Lu L, Qu Y, Manly KF, Williams RW (2003) Genetic correlates of gene expression in recombinant inbred strains: a relational model to explore for neurobehavioral phenotypes. Neuroinformatics 1: 343-357. Full Text PDF Version. [Best reference regarding interpretation of genetic correlations.]
Chesler EJ, Lu L, Wang J, Williams RW, Manly KF (2004) WebQTL: rapid exploratory analysis of gene expression and genetic networks for brain and behavior. Nature Neuroscience 7: 485-486. Full Text PDF Version [A short review.]
Zhang B, Schmoyer D, Kirov S, Snoddy J (2004) GOTree Machine (GOTM): a web-based platform for interpreting sets of interesting genes using Gene Ontology hierarchies. BMC Bioinformatics 5:16. [This reference describes GOTM--the predecessor of WebGestalt that is now used to analyze sets of covarying transcripts.]
Chesler EJ, Williams RW (2004) Brain gene expression: genomics and genetics. International Review of Neurobiology 60:59-95. (DNA Arrays in Neurobiology, edited by MF Miles, Elsevier, Amsterdam). [A longer discussion, both statistical and conceptual, on the genetic analysis of gene expression and relations to higher order behavioral phenotypes.]
Bystrykh L, Weersing E, Dontje B, Sutton S, Pletcher MT, Wiltshire T, Su AI, Vellenga E, Wang J, Manly KF, Lu L, Chesler EJ, Alberts R, Jansen RC, Williams RW, Cooke M, de Haan G (2005) Uncovering regulatory pathways affecting hematopoietic stem cell function using "genetical genomics." Nature Genetics 37:225-232. [Please cite this article if you have used the GNF-Groningen hematopoietic stem cell data set.]
Chesler EJ, Lu L, Shou S, Qu Y, Gu J, Wang J, Hsu HC, Mountz JD, Baldwin N, Langston MA, Threadgill DW, Manly KF, Williams RW (2005) Genetic dissection of gene expression reveals polygenic and pleiotropic networks modulating brain structure and function. Nature Genetics 37: 233-242. [Please cite this article if you have used one of the UTHSC brain data sets.]
Hübner N, Wallace CA, Zimdahl H, Petretto E, Schulz H, Maciver F, Mueller M, Hummel O, Monti J, Zidek V, Musilova A, Kren V, Causton H, Game L, Born G, Schmidt S, Muller A, Cook SA, Kurtz TW, Whittaker J, Pravenec M, Aitman TJ (2005) Integrated transcriptional profiling and linkage analysis for identification of genes underlying disease. Nature Genetics 37: 243-253. [Please cite this article if you have used one of the rat HXB kidney or peritoneal fat data sets.]
Ljungberg K, Holmgren S, Carlborg O (2004) Simultaneous search for multiple QTL using the global optimization algorithm DIRECT. Bioinformatics 20:1887-1895. [Please review and cite this article if you have exploited the DIRECT pair-scan tool and output graphs in WebQTL.]
Manly KF, Wang J, Williams RW (2005) Weighting by heritability for detection of quantitative trait loci with microarray estimates of gene expression. Genome Biology 6: R27 Full Text HTML and PDF Version. [Please cite this article if you have used one of the HWT (Heritability Weighted Transform) data sets.]
Hitzemann R, Reed C, Malmanger B, Lawler M, Hitzemann B, Cunningham B, McWeeney S, Belknap J, Harrington C, Buck K, Phillips T, Crabbe J (2004) On the integration of alcohol-related quantitative trait loci and gene expression analyses. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 28:1437-1448. [Please cite this paper is you plan to use the B6D2F2 OHSU data set.]
Damerval C, Maurice A, Josse JM, de Vienne D (1994) Quantitative trait loci underlying gene product variation: a novel perspective for analyzing regulation of genome expression. Genetics 137: 289-301 [The first published paper on system genetics. Impressive; before its time.]
[Damerval et al., 1994 abstract] A methodology to dissect the genetic architecture of quantitative variation of numerous gene products simultaneously is proposed. For each individual of a segregating progeny, proteins extracted from a given organ are separated using two-dimensional electrophoresis, and their amounts are estimated with a computer-assisted system for spot quantification. Provided a complete genetic map is available, statistical procedures allow determination of the number, effects and chromosomal locations of factors controlling the amounts of individual proteins. This approach was applied to anonymous proteins of etiolated coleoptiles of maize, in an F(2) progeny between two distant lines. The genetic map included both restriction fragment length polymorphism and protein markers. Minimum estimates of one to five unlinked regulatory factors were found for 42 of the 72 proteins analyzed, with a large diversity of effects. Dominance and epistasis interactions were involved in the control of 38% and 14% of the 72 proteins, respectively. Such a methodology might help understanding the architecture of regulatory networks and the possible adaptive or phenotypic significance of the polymorphism of the genes involved.
Williams RW, Shou S, Lu L, Wang J, Manly KF, Hsu HC, Mountz J, Threadgill DW (2002) Genomic analysis of transcriptional networks: combining microarrays with complex trait analysis. Complex Trait Consortium 1 [One of the first published abstracts on system genetic analysis of microarray data sets, presented May 2002.]
Manly K, Williams RW (2001) WEBQTL—WWW service for mapping quantitative trait loci. International Mouse Genome Conference 15: 74. [First published abstract on WebQTL, presented Oct 2001, Edinburgh; also see 2002 CTC abstract.]
Background references on recombinant inbred strains and other key resources
Williams RW, Gu J, Qi S, Lu L (2001) The genetic structure of recombinant inbred mice: high-resolution consensus maps for complex trait analysis. Genome Biology 2: 46.1–46.18 Full Text HTML and PDF Version. [General background on recombinant inbred strains.]
Peirce JL, Lu L, Gu J, Silver LM, Williams RW (2004) A new set of BXD recombinant inbred lines from advanced intercross populations in mice. BMC Genetics 5: 7 Full Text PDF Version. [Background on the expanded set of BXD strains.]
Williams RW, Bennett B, Lu L, Gu J, DeFries JC, Carosone-Link PJ, Rikke BA, Belknap JK, Johnson TE (2004) Genetic structure of the LXS panel of recombinant inbred mouse strains: a powerful resource for complex trait analysis. Mammalian Genome 15: 637-647 [Background on origins and the genetic structure large panel of LXS strains. Please cite this paper is you have used LXS data sets.]
Loudet O, Chaillou S, Camilleri C, Bouchez D, Daniel-Vedele F (2002) Bay-0 x Shahdara recombinant inbred line population: a powerful tool for the genetic dissection of complex traits in Arabidopsis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 104: 1173-1184. Full Text PDF Version [Please cite this paper is you have used the BXS Arabidopsis data sets.]
Jirout M, Krenova D, Kren V, Breen L, Pravenec M, Schork NJ, Printz MP (2003) A new framework marker-based linkage map and SDPs for the rat HXB/BXH strain set. expression differences in mice diverently selected for methamphetamine sensitivity. Mammalian Genome 14: 537-546.
Papers and resources that cite or use WebQTL (2003)
Bolivar V, Flaherty L (2003) A region on chromosome 15 controls intersession habituation in mice. Journal of Neuroscience 23: 9435-9438. Full Text HTML and PDF Versions
Hitzemann R, Hitzemann B, Rivera S, Gatley J, Thanos P, Shou S, Lu L, Williams RW (2003) Dopamine D2 receptor binding, Drd2 expression and the number of dopamine neurons in the BXD recombinant inbred series: genetic relationships to alcohol and other drug associated phenotypes. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 27:1-11.
Hitzemann R, Malmanger B, Reed C, Lawler M, Hitzemann B, Coulombe S, Buck K, Rademacher B, Walter N, Polyakov Y, Sikela J, Williams RW, Flint J, Talbot C (2003) A strategy for integration of QTL, gene expression, and sequence analyses. Mammalian Genome 14: 733-747.
Lionikas A, Blizard DA, Vandenbergh DJ, Glover MG, Stout JT, Vogler GP, McClearn GE, Larsson L (2003) Genetic architecture of fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscle weight in 200-day-old mice of the C57BL/6J and DBA/2J lineage. Physiological Genomics 16: 141-152.
Peirce J, Chesler EJ, Williams RW, Lu L (2003) Genetic architecture of the mouse hippocampus: identification of gene loci with regional effects. Genes, Brain and Behavior 2: 238–252.
Rosen GD, La Porte NT, Diechtiareff B, Pung, CJ, Nissanov J, Gustafson C, Bertrand L, Gefen S, Fan Y, Tretiak OJ, Manly KF, Parks MR, Williams AG, Connolly MT, Capra JA, Williams RW (2003) Informatics center for mouse genomics: the dissection of complex traits of the nervous system. Neuroinformatics, 1: 327–342.
Papers and resources that cite or use The GeneNetwork or WebQTL (2004)
Baldwin NE, Chesler EJ, Kirov S, Langston MA, Snoddy JR, Williams RW, Zhang B (2004) Computational, integrative and comparative methods for the elucidation of genetic co-expression networks. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology in press. PDF preprint
Carlborg O, De Koning DJ, Chesler EJ, Manly KM, Williams RW, Haley CS (2004) Methological aspects of the genetic dissection of gene expression. Bioinformatics 10:1093.
Chesler EJ, Williams RW (2004) Brain gene expression: genomics and genetics. International Review of Neurobiology 60: 59-95.
Fernandes K, Paya-Cano JL, Sluyter F, D'Souza U, Plomin R, Schalkwyk LC (2004) Hippocampal gene expression profiling across eight mouse inbred strains: towards understanding the molecular basis for behaviour. European Journal of Neuroscience 19:2576. Full Text HTML Version
Henckaerts E, Langer JC, Hans-Willem Snoeck HW (2004) Quantitative genetic variation in the hematopoietic stem cell and progenitor cell compartment and in lifespan are closely linked at multiple loci in BXD recombinant inbred mice. Blood 104:374-379. Full Text HTML Version
Hitzemann R, Reed C, Malmanger B, Lawler M, Hitzemann B, Cunningham B, McWeeney S, Belknap J, Harrington C, Buck K, Phillips T, Crabbe J (2004) On the integration of alcohol-related quantitative trait loci and gene expression analyses. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 28:1437-1448. [Please cite this paper is you plan to use the B6D2F2 OHSU data set.]
Maiya RP (2004) Regulation of dopamine transporter: a role for ethanol and protein interactions. Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin.
Orth AP, Batalow S, Perrone M, Chanda SK (2004) The promise of genomics to identify novel therapeutic targets. Expert Opion of Therapeutic Targets 8:587-596.
Pomp D, Allan MF, Wesolowski SR (2004) Quantitative genomics: Exploring the genetic architecture of complex trait predisposition. J Anim Sci 82:E300-E312.
Ponomarev I, Schafer GL, Blednov YA, Williams RW, Iver VR, Harris A (2004) Convergent analysis of cDNA and short oligomer microarrays, mouse null mutant, and bioinformatics resources to study complex traits. Genes, Brain and Behavior 3:360-368.
Pravenec M, Kren V (2004) Genetic analysis of complex cardiovascular traits in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Experimental Physiology 90:273-276.
Simon P, Schott K, Williams RW, Schaeffel F (2004) Post-translational regulation of the immediate early gene EGR1 by light in the mouse retina. European Journal of Neuroscience 20:3371-3377.
Zareparsi S, Hero A, Zack DJ, Williams RW, Swarrop A (2004) Seeing the unseen: microarray-based gene expression profiling in vision. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 45:2457-2462. Full text HTML version
Papers and resources that cite or use The GeneNetwork or WebQTL (2005)
Bystrykh L, Weersing E, Dontje B, Sutton S, Pletcher MT, Wiltshire T, Su AI, Vellenga E, Wang J, Manly KF, Lu L, Chesler EJ, Alberts R, Jansen RC, Williams RW, Cooke M, de Haan G (2005) Uncovering regulatory pathways affecting hematopoietic stem cell function using “genetical genomics." Nature Genetics, 37:225-232.
Chesler EJ, Lu L, Shou S, Qu Y, Gu J, Wang J, Hsu HC, Mountz JD, Baldwin N, Langston MA, Threadgill DW, Manly KF, Williams RW (2005) Genetic dissection of gene expression reveals polygenic and pleiotropic networks modulating brain structure and function. Nature Genetics 37: 233-242.
Flaherty L, Herron B, Symula D (2005) Genome Research 15:1741-1745.
Garlow SJ, Boone E, Li W, Owens MJ, Nemeroff CB (2005) Genetic analysis of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor system. Endocrinology 146: 2362-2368.
Gammie SC, Hasen NS, Awad TA, Auger AP, Jessen HM, Panksepp JB, Bronikowski AM (2005) Gene array profiling of large hypothalamic CNS regions in lactating and randomly cycling virgin mice. Molecular Brain Research 139: 201-211.
Kerns RT, Ravindranathan A, Hassan S, Cage MP, York T, Williams RW, Miles MF (2005) Ethanol-responsive brain region expression networks: implications for behavioral responses to acute ethanol in DBA/2J versus C57BL/6J mice. Journal of Neuroscience 25: 2255-2266. See for a complete table of modulated transcripts.
Li HQ, Lu L, Manly KF, Wang J, Zhou M, Williams RW, Cui Y (2005) Inferring gene transcriptional modulatory relations: a genetical genomics approach. Human Molecular Genetics 14: 1119-1125.
Li J, Burmeister M (2005) Genetical genomics: combining genetics with gene expression analysis. Human Molecular Genetics 14:163-169.
Lozier JN, Tayebi N, Zhang P (2005) Mapping of genes that control the antibody response to human factor IX in mice. Blood 105: 1029-1035.
MacLaren EJ, Sikela JM (2005) Cerebellar gene expression profiling and eQTL analysis in inbred mouse strains selected for ethanol sensitivity. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 29: 1568-1579.
Matthews B, Bhave SV, Belknap JK, Brittingham C, Chesler EJ, Hitzemann RJ, Hoffman PL, Lu L, McWeeney S, Miles MR, Tabakoff B, Williams RW (2005) Complex genetics of interactions of alcohol and CNS function and behavior. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 29: 1706-1719.
Mountz JD, Yang P, Wu Q, Zhou J, Tousson A, Fitzgerald A, Allen J, Wang X, Cartner S, Grizzle WE, Yi N, Lu L, Williams RW, Hsu HC (2005) Genetic segregation of spontaneous erosive arthritis and generalized autoimmune disease in BXD2 recombinant inbred strain of mice. Scadinavian Journal of Immunology 61: 1-11.
Li CX, Wei X, Lu L, Peirce JL, Wiliams RW, Waters RS (2005) Genetic analysis of barrel field size in the first somatosensory area (S1) in inbred and recombinant inbred strains of mice. Somatosensory and Motor Research 22:141-150.
Palmer AA, Verbitsky M, Suresh R, Kamen HM, Reed CI, Li N, Burkhart-Kasch S, McKinnon CS, Belknap JK, Gilliam TC, Phillips TJ (2005) Gene expression differences in mice diverently selected for methamphetamine sensitivity. Mammalian Genome 16: 291-305.
Scott RW, White-Grindley E, Ruley HE, Chesler EJ, Williams RW (2005) P2P-R expression is genetically coregulated with components of the translation machinery and with PUM2, a translational repressor that associates with the P2P-R mRNA. Journal of Cellular Physiology, in press. Full text HTML version
Vazquez-Chona FR, Khan AN, Chan CK, Moore AN, Dash PK, Rosario Hernandez R, Lu L, Chesler EJ, Manly KF, Williams RW, Geisert Jr EE (2005) Genetic networks controlling retinal injury. Molecular Vision 11:958-970.
Papers and resources that cite or use The GeneNetwork (2006)
Lan H, Chen M, Flowers JB, Yandell BS, Stapleton DS, Mata CM, Mui ET, Flowers MT, Schueler KL, Manly KF, Williams RW, Kendziorski C, Attie A (2006) Combined expression trait correlations and expression quantitative trait locus mapping. PLoS Genetics. [Please cite this work if you make use of the B6BTBRF2 liver transcriptome data.]
Beatty J, Laughlin RE (2006) Genomic regulation of natural variation in cortical and noncortical brain volume. BMC Neuroscience 7:16 [This mapping study made use of both the Mouse Brain Libray online collection of sections of BXD brains and GeneNetwork/WebQTL.]
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